ABC's, Math, Sight Words & More!

Sing-Along Songs That Teach!

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Learning can be fun!
Research shows and studies support that in order to get the best learning outcome possible, children need to actively and simultaneously use as many of their senses as they can when they learn and practice.
View Alphabet
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Primary Math
Math concepts with animated illustrations!
Our award winning math DVDs include both time-honored concepts such as telling time and measuring, plus newer Core Curriculum concepts, such as using a Rekenrek, and subitizing!
View Musical Math
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Sight Words
Sing-Along Songs That Teach
With the words written out on screen and simple movements to imitate, these fun songs help children easily memorize the words and spellings to help jumpstart their reading and writing skills.
View Sight Words
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quote mark Your materials are amazing! My principal has given me 100% support because she is seeing the results! Normally we have to follow our districts curricula but I made a proposal, presented your info along with the common core and won! Thanks again!! quote mark