This printable HeidiSongs game works great with your farm animal or Thanksgiving units. It practices sight words, color words, alphabet, the numbers 0-30, ordinal numbers, and sorting. Includes blank cards so that you can modify the game to include your own sight words, etc!
This printable HeidiSongs game works great with your farm animal or Thanksgiving units. It practices sight words, color words, alphabet, the numbers 0-30, ordinal numbers, and sorting. Includes blank cards so that you can modify the game to include your own sight words, etc.
The dealer gives each child a card when it's their turn to attempt to read the word, number, sorting, etc. There is no penalty for not knowing or getting it wrong. If the child gets a "special" card, they act out what the card says, such as trading seats with another student, pretending to milk a cow, etc. If the child gets the special "Barnyard Bang!" card, they say "Bang!" and collects all of the other students cards.
26 pages:
- Instructions
- Sight & color word cards
- Alphabet cards
- 0-30 number cards
- Blank cards