Teacher friends! Do you use ESGI assessment tests?? Have you maybe thought about using them, but weren't sure??? Well, NOW is the time to give it a try!!!!

Maybe you’re wondering what ESGI is exactly?
“ESGI is the simplest, easiest to use assessment platform for conducting one-on-one assessments for emergent and non-readers. CLICK. CLICK. DONE.”
Seriously!! I LOVE ESGI and I absolutely encourage you to check it out! I honestly don’t know how I taught without it! LOL! Have I convinced you yet? Their features include:
- 200+ Preloaded Assessments: Includes CCSS, CCGPS, TK, Pre-K, HeidiSongs (WOO WOO!) skills tests, and more.. - Create Your Own Assessments: Use their "Test Explorer" to create custom assessments tailored to your specific standards.
- Charts, Graphs, and Reports: Visualize student performance with individual and group level reporting.
- Customized Parent Letters: Send home or use at parent conferences to outline areas of improvement.
- Share Assessments: Share assessments within your district and save time!
- Free Administrator Accounts: District Administrators or Principals can use ESGI to view district, school, or teacher level class totals report by assessment.
- Schedule Parent Conferences: Use the "Parent Conferencer" tool to schedule parent conferences.
Why use ESGI?
I've mentioned ESGI on my blog before because I truly do LOVE it!! But here are a few basic points:
- It saves you over 400 hours a year!
- It guides instruction by providing you with real-time student data.
- It automatically generates parent letters and customizable flash cards.
- It grants you free access to thousands of customizable assessments or you can instantly create your own!
The best thing about ESGI– no wasted minutes! And it also allows you to give parents IMMEDIATE feedback in the form of a set of personalized flash cards and individualized, personalized letters that explain their child’s test results.
I used to just keep a laptop on the table next to me as I conferenced with the parents of my kindergarten students. If there was any question at all where the child was at with the numbers, letters, or sight words, etc., I simply opened up ESGI and let the child tell us what he knew! Then I pressed “print” and gave the parents an instant set of flash cards. Easy peasy! It really made me wonder why EVERYONE didn’t do this. In fact, even the parents were asking me WHY the all of the other teachers weren’t using ESGI! Then they went around showing the other parents how they got an instant set of personalized flashcards and test results on the spot! So there’s another benefit; ESGI can make you a very popular teacher. :)
Ok, so maybe you're still on the fence. Why sign up today??
Need an extra incentive??? Teachers that sign-up for a new ESGI trial account and/or purchase:
- Will be entered to win $500 Amazon Gift Card or Apple Watch!!
- Will receive an additional 6 months to their license when they purchase!
- All teachers who purchase an account with HeidiBonkers between Feb. 1st - Feb 8th will receive a $50 Amazon gift card with their purchase!
*Benny Bonkers Rules and Guidelines* All prizes and benefits valid for individual, first-time subscribers. No group or renewal purchases qualify for prizes or benefits. All trials and purchases must use a promo code that includes the word “BONKERS” when initiated.
- To enter raffle: Trial must be started before March 31, 2019.
- To receive 6 months free and $40 savings: Purchase must be completed by May 31, 2019.
- To receive $50 Amazon card, 6 free months and $40 savings: Purchase must be completed by Feb. 8, 2019.
(And to those of you who already use ESGI, don't worry! Your chance for prizes will be coming in May, 2019!!)
To sign up for your FREE trial, click here!! For more info on ESGI, how I use it, and why I love it, check out my blog post here! For more examples, see below! :) Any questions???? Let me know!!
- Heidi :)
How I Got 18 out of 23 Kids to Master 100% of Their Sight Words
How I Taught My First Graders 300 Sight Words- and My Second Graders 600!
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