Hello there! Today I am very happy to announce that I have finished creating another set of my popular I Spy Print Books: I Spy CVC Words Vol. 2 Print and Fold Books! This set goes along with my CVC Book Vol. 2, whereas the first set went along with the words in my CVC Book Vol. 1. (They contain different word families.) These are great tools for teaching comprehension, because they require kids to THINK about the meaning on the page at a very basic level. It’s not rocket science, but it’s a step in the right direction as opposed to simple word calling and not thinking about what we are reading at ALL. Agreed?
I have a link for a free sample for you to try at the end of this post! The full version can be purchased for $4 on our website, HeidiSongs.com, and also on TPT!

Just like the last set, these little easy readers start out with a very limited sight word vocabulary in the units for short a and short i, and then they start to add a few more sight words into the next short vowel units (short o and e) so that each story becomes progressively harder to read. The final unit for short u is the most difficult, incorporating about 25 sight words along with the CVC words.

I value these little booklets because they really push the children to think about what they are reading! This is because they must focus on comprehension in order to find and circle what the sentences are about. There are also a few coloring instructions thrown in there, too! So for example in the sample above, the children had to find the faces that were nodding and circle them, and then find the hot rods and circle them. On the second side/page, they had to color two pods green and two pods yellow.

It’s up to the teacher if you want to let the children color the other pictures after they have found and circled the correct ones. My kids enjoyed that part the most! So I had them just go through with a pencil and circle the pictures that went with the story, and THEN they were allowed to color the rest any color- unless there was a specific color indicated within the text.

On the last page, the children unfold the booklet and finish it off. I have included some kind of funny or surprise ending in each book! The very last part includes a space for the children to write words and pictures from that word family as shown above.

Ten word family books are included in this set that corresponds to our HeidiSongs CVC Book, Vol. 2, which is an excellent resource that I can’t do without, if I say so myself! That’s one printable book for each of the following word families (or groups of families):
– The Ap Family
– The Ag Family
– The Ad Families
– The Id Family
– The Im Family
– The Od Family
– The Og Family
– The Ed & Em Families
– The Um & Ud Families
– The Ub & Up Families
If you are looking for ways to help children improve their skills in sounding out these simple three letter words, check out the Sound Blending Songs for Word Families CD/DVD! This unique set of songs takes kids through all of the steps that they need in order to sound out new words, but all in a fun way that includes movement, of course!
Want to try them out? Click here for your free sample! I gave you the one for the “Od Family” because it has the “hot rods” in it. (That’s my favorite!!!) I love that- The Od Family. Ha!
Okay, that’s all for now! Don’t forget that we also just finished those Hidden CVC Vol. 2 worksheets, too! If any of you are looking for great ways to keep your kids’ skills sharp this summer but in a fun way, this is just the thing for you!
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