Guess what??

We took our Sing & Spell Sight Words DVDs (volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6) and ANIMATED THEM!! Exciting, right? They’re the same great songs, same great dance moves, NEW actors, NEW animation!!

Sight words, or “high frequency words”, are words that are seen most commonly in children’s books and other print. Children are encouraged and expected to recognize these words by sight; that is, to memorize them without sounding out or using other strategies. Every volume covers different high frequency words, increasing in difficulty with each volume.

Why the animated option? When the children find the words or movements amusing, they are also more likely to remember that song/word, since it touched their emotional side as well. The classic DVDs with me doing the movements can do this, but sometimes the animation and the different dancers help keep the kids even more engaged!!

Looking for some other Back-To-School product ideas?? Check these out!!

Our Number Jumble DVD is an award winning DVD with a variety of songs and movements to help kids practice number recognition, number writing, counting skills, and how to read the number words! There is even our popular 1-100 counting song! This is a great way to bring fun and educational music and movement into your home or classroom!

Wiggles Learns the Rules at School is an adorable little picture book designed to help children learn and master some basic school rules in a fun, friendly, and easy way. Children love to chime in with the repetitive text, and this choral response format further reinforces the lesson. This is PERFECT for the beginning of the school year!!

Our Music for Classroom Management DVD is perfect for teachers that are looking for a musical way to help children learn and review classroom rules and procedures. For example, the song “Follow the Rules” reviews some very basic rules that are probably taught in most classrooms, such as following directions, listening to the teacher, being nice to everyone, and keeping your hands to yourself. This is a GREAT tool for the end of the school year as well as the beginning!

We have so many different materials that focus on the basic numbers, colors, shapes and letters! Our Colors and Shapes, Number Jumble, and Letters and Sounds DVDs are bright, fun, and easy to follow! They include children’s artwork that’s made all three of these an instant favorite!
– Heidi
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