Today I am excited to tell you about the newest addition to our “Hidden Objects” worksheet collection: Hidden Parts of Speech, such as hidden nouns, verbs, prepositions, adverbs, pronouns, and even a few with interjections and conjunctions! Both my first and second graders have enjoyed working on this new twist on the Hidden Worksheet collection because it is a bit more challenging than the previous worksheets, and it is certainly a fun way to practice, especially for those kids that really like to color.

For example, in the worksheet pictured below with the word “they” in the middle, the children are supposed to find all of the pronouns and color them orange. They may begin to notice that all of the pronouns are within the boundaries of the word “they,” which is also a pronoun! Then if they look for and start coloring the adjectives blue next, they will see that all of the adjectives are within the curve shapes that look like McDonald’s arches. (Lol!) After that, they will just need to color all of the nouns green. Nouns are usually not so hard for children, since they are generally concrete objects. And then they end up with their action words last, coloring the verbs red.

We have included 27 different worksheets in this packet for $5 – 15 of the worksheets have no theme at all; they just have a word hidden in the middle, and a design or pattern of lines around the word. If the children identify the parts of speech correctly, the word in the middle will show up, as well as the design around it! The other 12 worksheets have some kind of themed object, roughly a different one for each month- but there are a few extra ones themed for spring, since most of us are out in the summer.

Here is a list of each of the worksheets and the parts of speech that they cover:
1. Focus word: funny
Parts of speech included: adjectives, nouns, verbs.
2. Focus word: jump
Parts of speech included: verbs, adjectives, nouns.
3. Focus word: king
Parts of speech included: nouns, adjectives, verbs.
4. Focus word: good
Parts of speech included: adjectives, nouns, verbs.
5. Focus word: she
Parts of speech included: personal pronouns, adjectives, nouns, verbs.
6. Focus word: they
Parts of speech included: personal pronouns, adjectives, nouns, verbs.
7. Focus word: very
Parts of speech included: adverbs, nouns, personal pronouns, verbs.
8. Focus word: over
Parts of speech included: prepositions, adjectives, nouns, reflective pronouns, verbs.
9. Focus word: never
Parts of speech included: adverbs, adjectives, nouns, personal pronouns, verbs.
10. Focus word: now
Parts of speech included: adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions, personal pronouns, verbs.
11. Focus word: from
Parts of speech included: prepositions, adjectives, nouns, personal pronouns, verbs.
12. Focus word: and
Parts of speech included: conjunctions, adjectives, adverbs, possessive pronouns, verbs.
13. Focus word: down
Parts of speech included: prepositions, adjectives, nouns, personal pronouns, verbs.
14. Focus word: but
Parts of speech included: conjunctions, adjectives, verbs, personal pronouns, adverbs.
15. Focus word: food
Parts of speech included: nouns, adjectives, verbs, conjunctions.
16. Seasonal Object: snowmen
Parts of speech included: nouns, conjunctions, interjections, personal pronouns.
17. Seasonal Object: hearts
Parts of speech included: interjections, reflexive pronouns, adverbs, adjectives.
18. Seasonal Object: shamrocks
Parts of speech included: adverbs, conjunctions, interjections.
19. Seasonal Object: eggs
Parts of speech included: conjunctions, personal pronouns, interjections, possessive pronouns, adverbs.
20. Seasonal Object: chick
Parts of speech included: verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs.
21. Seasonal Object: rainbow
Parts of speech included: reflexive pronouns, adverbs, possessive pronouns, personal pronouns, interjections, adjectives.
22. Seasonal Object: stars and stripes
Parts of speech included: verbs, prepositions, interjections, reflexive pronouns.
23. Seasonal Object: flowers
Parts of speech included: adverbs, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, possessive pronouns.
24. Seasonal Object: umbrellas
Parts of speech included: prepositions, adjectives, adverbs, personal pronouns.
25. Seasonal Object: pumpkin
Parts of speech included: adjectives, personal pronouns, adverbs.
26. Seasonal Object: leaves
Parts of speech included: conjunctions, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns.
27. Seasonal Object: snowflake
Parts of speech included: nouns, adjectives

Hints to Help Children Be More Successful
1. For younger children, identify the parts of speech first! If your kids are new at identifying the parts of speech, I recommend that you help them read and decide what type of word each one is FIRST. Then have them underline the words with the correct color needed before releasing them to color on their own. I used a document camera to model what to do and show the kids which word I was talking about. After they all underlined the words with the correct color, they were free to color in each of the sections. (Some of my first graders needed this assistance, but most of my second graders really did not.)
2. Sing! We use my Groovy Grammar songs, available on iTunes!

There’s a song for: Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronouns, Proper Nouns, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Interjections, The Vowel Song, Long Vowels & Short Vowels, A Versus An, Capitalizing the Title, What Gets a Capital Letter, Commas in a List, Commas in Dates, You Must Indent, Facts & Opinions, Synonyms, Antonyms, Contractions, Possessive Apostrophes, Informational Paragraph, Opinion Paragraph, Parts of a Story. Right now, it’s only available on iTunes, and it’s songs only, not video. So you get to make up your own hand motions! Otherwise, Schoolhouse Rock is an obvious choice and always a winner in my book! We do watch Grammar Rock in my class from time to time, and the children enjoy it. I only wish that it included a bit of movement to make it more brain friendly! Also, I do prefer shorter songs for classroom use because having enough time is always an issue! So that’s why I went ahead and decided to record my own songs. If you’d like to hear them, check them out here!
3. Use Anchor Charts! I suggest that you make anchor charts that your kids will find meaningful, using the language that you used to teach them the parts of speech, and include some examples. I have a Pinterest Board with lots of great examples of Anchor Charts, although mine are usually generated on the computer and are just on 8.5″ x 11″ paper and inside page protectors! My anchor charts are often just the words to the songs with some examples of each part of speech on them. That’s it! I don’t think you need to be very artistic or spend a lot of time to make an effective anchor chart.
I hope that you and your kids enjoy this activity and benefit from it! Click here for a FREE SAMPLE of these worksheets!!

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