Well, guess WHAT??? We’ve been working on some great, new songs that teach kids how to skip count (AKA counting by twos, counting by threes, fours, fives, sixes, etc.,) all the way up to twelve! And as I’m sure you know, skip counting is the beginning of learning to multiply! And the songs are all finally FINISHED and posted on iTunes!!! WAAHOOOO! (We are going to go ALL DIGITAL with this CD, at least for a while, so it will only be available to purchase on iTunes. No DVD yet.)

For many years now, people have been asking me if I have any songs to help kids memorize the times tables, and I always felt like it would be a great HeidiSongs project. Using music to help kids memorize educational concepts is such a natural direction for me to take! So this year, when my daughter Kimberly got a job teaching third grade, and I was placed in a first and second grade combination class, I knew that this would be the year to do it! So my wonderful music co-writer Mike Cravens and I have been working on these since September!
We decided to try for an older, more mature sound since these songs would likely be used with second, third, fourth, and fifth graders, etc. So we stuck with pop style songs and themes! Each song has a great soloist leading the group of singers. And this time, we did not ask our singers to try to sound like children, either! So this album sounds entirely different than our usual fare! Here is some behind-the-scenes footage!

The fourth graders at my school have been using these songs as part of their rotation to help them learn their times tables, and it has been very successful! And my daughter Kimmie says that her kids LOVE them! She said that they have even been singing the songs while they play hopscotch, with each square being one number. They will be using them as jump rope chants soon, too!

Kimmie said that her students also like to follow along with the songs on their multiplication charts, and draw arrays along with the songs.

In addition to that, they enjoy making up their own movements to the songs just for fun! And YES, there will be a DVD eventually! But that is going to take a while, unfortunately! It always does. Click here to download the CD on iTunes!
Here is the list of included songs:
Skip Counting Songs for Multiplication and More
1. Counting by Twos
2. Counting by Threes
3. Counting by Fours
4. Counting by Fives
5. Counting by Sixes
6. Counting by Sevens
7. Counting by Eights
8. Counting by Nines
9. Counting by Tens
10. Counting by Elevens
11. Counting by Twelves
12. Multiplication Key Words
13. Division Key Words
14. Mode & Range
15. Place Value
All of the songs count by the given number all the way up to the product of that number times twelve. In addition to that, at the end of each song’s counting sequence, the lyrics finish up with the target number times twelve. For example, see the lyrics for the Counting by Fours song below.
Teacher: Get up out of your seat! And skip count with me!
Here’s number 4! I can count by fours!
4, 8, 12,
16, 20!
24, 28, 32!
36, then comes 40!
44, 48!
I can count by fours!
4 times 12 is 48!
I can count by fours!
Teacher: Hey, guys! You did it right!
So move your feet and dance all night! 1, 2, 3- WHAT?
Here is a link right to the album on iTunes! Enjoy!!!
I’ve typed up all the lyrics for you to download here! See below to preview the file!
Believe it or not, I have even MORE good news!!
Our DVD for Musical Math Vol. 2 is FINISHED and is available to purchase NOW!!! SO EXCITING!!! Click here to buy!!! HERE ARE SOME PREVIEWS!!!
Don’t they look great?? I’m so excited!! Check out this post from when we released the Musical Math Vol. 2 CD for more information on the content! I’ve posted the song list and the lyrics with handmotions! Click here to purchase the new DVD!!! I hope you love it as much as we do!
Again, here’s the link for the Skip Counting CD on iTunes! Let me know what you think!! Have a wonderful week!!
– Heidi
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