GREAT NEWS!! I’m SO excited to tell you that our Nursery Rhymes DVD is FINALLY here! It is ANIMATED and it is SO MUCH FUN!!! If you love to teach with nursery rhymes, then you MUST try this! Every nursery rhyme has been set to music to make it super easy to learn, and has simple motions for little ones to follow.

Do I have to say again that I SO WISH I was teaching Kinder, TK, or Pre-K this year so that I could enjoy this with the kiddos myself, ? but I guess I’ll have to wait because right now I am needed in second grade. I did try out the songs (on CD) in my friend Mrs. Rodriguez’ Kindergarten class when I was on my leave of absence in 2014. It was LOTS of fun- they loved it! So, if you have permission to film your kiddos and do purchase this Nursery Rhyme DVD, I would just LOVE it if you would send me a clip of your class singing and dancing to it! (Pretty please!!!!)

Here are some details about this DVD. It has 28 nursery rhyme songs on it, plus one extra “bonus song” at the end, which is the traditional ABC Song, done “Heidi Style!” The DVD has our new, young actors in it, both male and female. And as I mentioned before, it is fully animated to help hold the children’s attention. All of the Nursery Rhymes’ traditional words are intact; none of them have been changed. Also, if any of the nursery rhymes had a traditional song, that has also been used. However, if any of them were just a chant or poem before, those have been turned into songs. None of them have been recorded as “raps.”

Here is a list of all of the nursery rhymes that are included in our new DVD.
1. Baa Baa Black Sheep
2. Diddle Diddle Dumpling
3. Georgie Porgie
4. Hey Diddle Diddle
5. Hickety Pickety
6. Hickory Dickory Dock
7. Humpty Dumpty
8. Jack and Jill
9. Jack Be Nimble
10. Jack Be Sprat
11. Little Boy Blue
12. Little Miss Muffet
13. London Bridge
14. Mary Had a Little Lamb
15. Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
16. The Muffin Man
17. Old King Cole
18. One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
19. Pat-a-Cake
20. Pease Porridge Hot
21. Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater
22. Rain, Rain, Go Away
23. Ring Around the Rosie
24. Rub-a-Dub-Dub
25. See Saw Sacradown
26. Sing a Song of Sixpence
27. Wee Willie Winkie
28. ABC Song (Included as a bonus song!)

And just in case you missed my post on what children learn from Nursery Rhymes, here is an infographic we made on it.

I hope you enjoy our newest DVD! Have a great weekend!
– Heidi
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