Friends, as I put an exclamation mark on my two years in second grade, I wanted to give you my Second Grade Pacing Guide (AKA curriculum map) just for those of you that might need it. Getting it into “publishable condition” was a labor of love for you, my friends, readers, fellow teachers, homeschool teachers, and anyone else that could use this information! And yes, it’s FREE- for now, at least. For the next few weeks, I am giving you this pacing guide, AND the editable copy, free of charge. But in the near future, we will be switching it to a paid product. So if you are interested, you’ll want to download it right away!

So here’s a little history about how I made this pacing guide. After I was assigned the first/second grade combination class in fall of 2015, I spent countless hours pouring through the common core standards for second grade, trying to fit them on top of a first grade pacing guide that was graciously created by a wonderful teammate, (but her guide was just for the first five months only). In fact, I did actually write them directly ON TOP of the first grade pacing guide!

I didn’t go back and type up a separate second grade guide until the end of that school year because I thought it would be a good thing to share on this blog. So I started it with great intentions, but only got about two thirds of the way through it. Life happened, my attention got redirected at the beginning of the school year, and now it’s suddenly summer again! (How did that happen? LOL!) I did use the pacing guide that I had made, though, faithfully all year long until it “ran out.” (Then I got out the standards and made lists of what I hadn’t covered, and just used that, ha ha!)

In any case, it looks much better now that it is completely finished! I included links to all of the HeidiSongs products that I used during the year to help the children learn. And YES, we do have several products that stretch into the second grade curriculum, believe it or not!
I also included all of the topics that should be covered in the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) for second grade. To do this, I used a document put together by an excellent team within my district. It listed some simple topics for each grade level that corresponded with the NGSS standards at each grade level, and it really helped make sense of the document! Anyway, I have taken the second grade topics and, noting the NGSS number, I spread them out throughout the year for science. I included some STEM and other activity ideas in it! There are several links to my blog posts, if I happened to have written a blog post on it, too.

For math, you will notice that I followed the sequence of Go Math. That is because this is the curriculum that my district adopted. However, all I did was write down the topic of each chapter. For social science, I noted the general topics and units that we did. Most of these can be found in the CA Social Studies Standards; others are about rules, holidays, or multicultural celebrations that are commonly taught.

If you use this Pacing Guide, you’ll probably find that there are more topics on it than you can really cover. I discovered that it was really was too much for me to cover, and also do other required curriculum at my school. I recommend that you think of the pacing guide as something to shoot for, perhaps! Basically, when I knew that we had skipped a topic, I just circled it on the guide. Then later if we happened to have extra time later, I knew what to work on. There are several weeks of review built in at the end of the year, so that’s when I went back and covered them. It worked out!

Another thing that I started doing was simply putting copies of all of the worksheet masters that I used each week into one file folder, marking it “week one.” I thought that if I had to go back and teach second grade again, I would just have to grab that file and just make copies of those worksheets, rather than try to find them all again. Of course, I also saved them on my computer! For the most part, I used what the school provided, and then supplemented with whatever I could find online when needed.

Again, here is the PDF of my pacing guide, and here is the editable doc! Enjoy!
– Heidi
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