HEY EVERYONE!!! Have you heard of ESGI Assessment testing??? Have you thought about signing up, but weren’t sure you wanted to commit before trying it out?? I have some GREAT news! The ESGI Spring Fling is going on now!! You can get a FREE trial and see if you like it!!
Maybe you’re wondering what ESGI is exactly?
“ESGI is the simplest, easiest to use assessment platform for conducting one-on-one assessments for emergent and non-readers. CLICK. CLICK. DONE.”
Seriously!! I LOVE ESGI and I absolutely encourage you to check it out! I honestly don’t know how I taught without it! LOL! Have I convinced you yet? You can sign up now, before May 15th, and get a FREE TRIAL that will last through AUGUST 2018!! Just use the promo code HeidiSongs at this link here! And if you decide you love it, you can get $40 off when you purchase your first year!!

You may be thinking, “Spring Fling? It’s more than half way through the year! Why sign up now??” Here are some reasons teachers should start ESGI in the springtime:
1. To share progress with your administrators and parents before the end of the school year.
2. To show your colleagues how ESGI can save them SO MUCH TIME!
3. So you can get it set up & be ready to go for next school year!
4. It’s AWESOME and will make your life so much easier!!!

What you get if you sign up before May 15th with my promo code:
2. $40 SAVINGS off of 1st Year Purchase Price!
3. An ESGI ALL-STAR T-SHIRT with Purchase!

4. You’ll be automatically entered to win an ALL-EXPENSES PAID TRIP from ESGI to any one of the Summer 2018 Conferences listed below!
SDE National “I Teach” Conference
Las Vegas, NV July 9-13
Get Your Teach On! National Conference
San Deigo, CA June 24-26
Elevate! with Mr. Greg
Boston, MA July 21
Teach it! Fun & New, Tried & True with Kim & Crew
San Antonio, TX June 28-29
Differentiating From the Start
New Orleans, LA June 13-15
**New Trial Subscribers can DOUBLE their Odds to win by sharing the campaign with #ESGISPRINGFLING on their social media sites!
If you’re ALREADY an ESGI subscriber (paid or trial) you can still ENTER TO WIN THE TRIP, please use #esgispringfling & SHARE THIS LINK on FB, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest! –> http://www.esgisoftware.com/blog/
Pretty awesome stuff right??? Alright, I’ve talked it up enough. I think you get it. If you have ANY questions, leave a comment or email us in the HeidiSongs office and we’ll help you out if we can!!! Again, click here to go straight to the site and sign up!
– Heidi

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