Today I'm going to share with you a simple and cute little craft for Kindergarten, Pre-K, or Transitional Kindergarten (TK) etc.! This project was easy enough for my TKs to do without much assistance, since there is no cutting involved at all!
All they have to do is take the pre-cut pieces, assemble it, and color! It was just perfect for my students during the first week of school this year, and I just love the way it came out! Plus it was a great way to introduce the shapes!
This project was created by my wonderful new teammate Alison Rico! And then my other teammate Jeff Pang found the bell to go on the top of it to help it look a bit more like a school and less like a house! After that, I went in and digitally modified the bell so that I could share it with you here.
So it was a team effort, but I really give credit to Alison for most of it! She is a doll, and I am SO happy to be working with her this year, as well as Jeff again this year!
To Prepare:
To Assemble:
Simply show the children how to glue the pieces down and then color it! I suggest that you ask them what shape each object is, as well. I always fully demonstrate each art project/craft in front of my whole class, talking through each step as I go along. This is because even though everything might seem so easy that anyone could see how it goes together, the children just might not know. And besides- hearing you talk through all of the instructions gives them that much more language, right?
Besides making this little house, we also made a school bus, and a self portrait. And we read our Wiggles Learns the Rules at School book with the puppet EVERY SINGLE DAY! Wiggles is just everybody's FAVORITE!
And I am falling in love with my TK "babies!" They are just as sweet as punch and I am SO very thankful to be their teacher! :D
I hope your school year is going as well as mine! See you next week!
- Heidi :)
P.S. Check out my Colors & Shapes DVD for basic the shapes songs!
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