Here’s a fun, FREE game for helping your kindergarten or pre-K students practice CVC words, and it’s just in time for Valentine’s Day! I have decided to call it the Valentine Robot CVC Game! I have also included some blank robots at the end of the file, so that you can write in whichever words you need to work on the most, rather than the ones I selected.

This is one of those simple games where you hide an object under each flashcard, and the children have to guess which one it is under by reading each word. However, to make it a little more fun, I have designed a little Cupid Robot that is holding the flash cards, and the object the children will be looking for is his bow and arrow!
Some of you may remember my “Sound it Out Snowman” game, the “Sight Word Santa” game, and the “Turkey Tails” games that were all played the same way. Each one had a chant that the children would repeat over and over before each child would take a turn. I really like that part of the game, because it keeps all of the children involved and seems to keep the pace of the game moving along. Click here to see a movie of the Sight Word Santa game that I uploaded to Facebook, and you’ll see how the game is played!
Here is the chant that I thought up for this version of the game: (Of course you could say whatever you want, ha ha!)
Valentine Robot, grab your bow!
Valentine Robot, where did it go?

To help your kids get some more practice on reading and sounding out CVC words, check out our Sound Blending CD and DVD! It really made a HUGE difference to my students when we were learning to blend sounds together, and jump started the reading process.
Also, our CVC books are an AWESOME resource, and one of our very best sellers! I used them faithfully for homework and practice in school as well, every single year that I taught. I spent about two years putting the first one together, and then another year doing the second. Yes, I know that I wrote them, but I HIGHLY recommend these resources for children that are just learning to read!

Our CVC I Spy Print and Fold Books are another great resource to help kids focus on comprehension.

And our Hidden CVC Words are of course, always fun!

You can grab your Valentine Robot freebie right here. Thanks for visiting!
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