This is a PowerPoint version of our Number of the Day/Week Focus Wall. The purpose is to give children daily practice in the identification of numbers from 0-30, and also in recognizing those quantities in other forms, such as ten frames, tally marks, and dominoes. (NOTE: Audio is NOT included.)
This is a PowerPoint version of our Number of the Day/Week Focus Wall. The purpose is to give children daily practice in the identification of numbers from 0-30, and also in recognizing those quantities in other forms, such as ten frames, tally marks, and dominoes. Heidi’s kids like to:
-jump the number of dots on the ten frames
-stomp the number of times for the dominos
-draw the tally marks in the air
-chant the Counting Creature poem and jump that number of times
-sing/chant the number formation songs with the movements
Please note: The audio files for the shape songs are not included. If you want this product in the Google Slides format with audio, they are available on Heidi's Teachers Pay Teachers store here.
This keeps them all actively engaged and it’s tons of fun! The slides also give the children a daily opportunity to practice counting on from the given number, rather than always starting at one. In addition, there are slides that ask them what the numbers are that come before and after.
For the number formation songs, there are slides with little poems/songs that teach how to draw that number. For example, for the number two, the number formation poem is, “Start up high, rainbow bright, down the slide, straight line right!” The children would chant or sing it, while drawing the number in the air, preferably with full body motions to keep them actively engaged. The songs for numbers 11-30 are traditional tunes, and the song reference is right there on the slide.
Our original product, the Number of the Day/Week Focus Wall, is printable and sized to fit on a pocket chart. However, this version is designed to be used digitally, (either online, or in person to display it in an extra large format.) So, although you could print it, each of these PowerPoint slides are probably too large for most pocket charts.
These PowerPoint product has been redesigned to be more eye catching and “prettier” than our print version, too! However, the basic content is the same.
You may or may not wish to display every single slide for each number, depending on your instructional goals. Thankfully, it is very easy to “hide” certain slides in the file. For example, I do not always use the counting on/before/after slides with my Transitional Kindergartners (TKs) due to their attention span and time constraints, but you may wish to do so. Please note that this product is NOT EDITABLE beyond the ability to skip the slides you do not wish to display.
Again, please note: This file does NOT include the AUDIO for each song. If you'd like the Google Slides version of this set (with audio), you can find it on Heidi's Teachers Pay Teachers store here.
Zip file includes a PowerPoint file for each number 0-30, with 10 slides per number.